Are You Protected?

Despite the interruptions to business as usual over the last eighteen months, it is still critical that churches maintain policies and procedures that assure a proper level of control over church assets, especially cash.  Proper controls protect both the church from theft and the staff and volunteers from any false allegations of wrongdoing.   It is not a matter of IF someone would violate the church’s trust and embezzle funds but COULD they do so as the result of weak internal controls.  Here are some basic guidelines:

  1. Lock all collections in a fire-proof safe until two or three unrelated people can count the money together
  2. Collections should not be taken off site to be counted
  3. All cash (both loose and in envelopes) should be recorded on a “Receipts Record” and each counter should sign the form to indicate that they agree to the amount counted.
  4. The deposit should be taken to the bank as soon as possible.
  5. Verify that the deposit and the “receipts records” match, thus verifying that all monies counted equals the amount of the weekly deposit.

For a check list of these and other internal control issues, please email us.